Coaches Create Your Own Landing Template

1) Value Proposition?

Example Prompt: ‘Remember to have a Clear, Concise Headline. What makes it valuable to your visitor?’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Subheading under your main headline

Example Prompt: ‘A subheading under your main headline, can provide more information about the benefits of your offer, also serves as your landing page’s USP’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Example Prompt: ‘Book a Discovery Call’ or ‘Sign up Here’ or ‘Download Here’, repeat throughout the landing page (Please Delete After Use) 


Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

“Include additional statement or quote here?”

Example Prompt: ‘What dose this offer bring to your buyers that they can’t get anywhere else?’ (Please Delete After Use) 

3) Keep them focused

Done for you

Example Prompt: ‘People lose attention, don’t show them everything you do, you will lose them. limit what you put on a landing page. Keep the landing page simple, you don’t need to list all of your services like you would on a website’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)


Introduce yourself as a coach

Hi, my name is? I’m a coach…

Example Prompt: ‘Just give basic information about who you are and what you do. Remember People lose attention, don’t show them everything you do’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

3) Keep them focused

How dose it work? There are 4 Steps

Example Prompt: How does it work? Expand on what they can expect. Keep the landing page simple, you don’t need to list all of your services like you would on a website (Please Delete After Use)

Step 1

This is How Step 1 Works?

Step 2

This is How Step 2 Works?

Step 3

This is How Step 3 Works?

Step 4

This is How Step 4 Works?

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

4. The Visual

This is what you can expect to get

Example Prompt: ‘Compelling imagery will help you grab visitors’ attention. This image should be relevant and match the offer, like the cover image of your e-book, a screenshot of the webinar or video’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

5) Social Proof

Example Prompt: ‘Social proof is the positive influence created when a person finds out that other people are doing something. This can be either Customer testimonials, Short quotes from happy customers, Case studies, Embedded social media posts, Number of downloads, users and more’ (Please Delete After Use) 

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

Let's Talk

Fill in the Contact Form to get in touch or click the button below to book your FREE Discovery Call today.

Example Prompt: ‘You can add a contact form to make it easier for people to message you’ (Please Delete After Use)

Image Prompt: ‘Remember to change all images with ideally images of your own Personal Brand’ (Please Delete After Use)

Subscribe to My Newsletter

Keep up to date with my new coaching programs

Example Prompt: ‘You can add your newsletter sign up form to make it easier for people to sign up to your newsletter’ (Please Delete After Use)