The Kaizen Philosophy

The Japanese Philosophy of Continuous Improvement I was first introduced to the concept of Kaizen by the marketing guru and legend Seth Godin, on his podcast Akimbo. Kaizen was first pioneered by the car manufacturer Toyota in the 1950’s. It was brought to the Western world in 1986 by Masaaki Imai. Today, Kaizen is used […]
Happy New Year 2019!!!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s 2019 already!!! I am excited about starting this year, I have some great new projects lined up following on from an impactful 2018. This year I will be investing even more time into learning new design, marketing and business skills. The industry is continuously changing, so my design skills and […]

Yes, I have a degree in ‘YouTube-ology’, what’s that you’re probably wondering? It’s a term I coined myself but I’m sure I heard it somewhere before, so I won’t take all the credit for it. Anything and everything you ever wanted to learn is being taught by someone out there from halfway across the world […]
Why Do I Need to Blog?

I found myself asking this exact question not so long ago, it wasn’t until I went along to a local Wenta business workshop that I soon realised the value of blogging and what I could bring to the table. Over the years we all gather so much information and expertise, that often stay’s in our […]