I found myself asking this exact question not so long ago, it wasn’t until I went along to a local Wenta business workshop that I soon realised the value of blogging and what I could bring to the table.
Over the years we all gather so much information and expertise, that often stay’s in our own heads, unless we choose to teach it to others it mostly just ends up staying there.
But what if you could put it out there…
For the rest of the world to have access to for FREE? It sounds crazy, why would you choose to spend your own time writing and then just giving it away for nothing, what’s in it for me I hear you ask?
Well the more content you have the more people you can drive to your site, Google likes it when you add new valuable content to your site, it rewards you by driving more traffic to your site.
“Give it away for FREE”
And watch what you put out come back to you overtime though traffic to your website and sales leads.
What useful information have you got floating around in that head of yours?
Get writing today!